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Multi Tiered System of Support Interventionist - Meyzeek Middle School...

Employer: Jefferson County Public Schools

Location: Louisville, KY

Employment Type: Part-time

Job Description: (Attached)

Salary Schedule: III (Attached...

Days/Hours: 187days/7 hours (7 hour work day and 30 minute unpaid lunch)

Salary Range: ($47,096.47 - $93,839.67)

Scope Of Responsibilities

This position is responsible for analyzing data collected through teaching and learning, and provides both prompt reflection/support and constructive feedback to school personnel for both academics and behavior. The position provides technical support and coaching for school teams; provides professional development and support for schools in order to organize and maintain support teams; organizes support systems; provides classroom management support for teachers; organizes effective individual student intervention strategies in both academics and behavior; assists with data collections, analysis and evaluation; monitors the effectiveness of campus support efforts and outcomes, and coordinates support efforts across schools, vertical teams, and the District.

Please note: This position requires a Consultant certification (CA-27) in the area/grade span for which the certificate is requested. A minimum of 3 years teaching experience in the area/grade span is required by EPSB for the CA-27. Although the certificate is not required prior to being considered for this position, the CA-27 application will be initiated once a candidate is recommended for the position.

Exceptions: A candidate with a Teacher Leader or Supervisor of Instruction endorsement can serve in any consultant role without additional certification.


Master’s degree with valid Kentucky Teaching Certificate

Three (3) years of successful teaching experience

Consultant Certification once selected for the position

Ability to work successfully with diverse groups

Effective communication skills


Upload a letter of interest specific to this position, "Resource Teacher Multi-Tiered Systems of Support". If letter is not specific, the application will be considered incomplete.

Upload a copy of your KY Administrator Certificate (if applicable)
• Information you enter in the Experience section of the online application will be used to verify your qualification for this position. Information should be entered accurately and completely.
• Falsification of an employment application is grounds for exclusion from consideration and/or termination
